“Fully Vent” or Spirit Led

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.
Proverbs 29:11 –

Its foolish to speak to hastily or assume something until the “afterwards.” Which is to say we can get into so much trouble by speaking on hunches, suspicions or just how something seems. We often have to quietly maintain calm composure and stick to our post before we have a conclusion.

Ever been in some situation where communication between you and someone else was maybe vague or strained, yet you opened your mouth saying things that were based on hunches or suspicions- well in my past I found that made things more messy, complicated and even ruined things. I would like to think over the years I have grown, and praise the Lord I think I have made some measure of progress by His grace. Yet there are always areas to grow and new ground to fortify over our lives.

The Proverb is saying to basically keep quiet and remain calm until you find out what is actually going on. In the NIV it says “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but the wise bring a calm end”

Yet as complex as a situation may appear, or whatever emotions it may stir up. We do well not to give full vent to “anger” or emotions in general. Staying calm can lay even great offenses to rest, it says elsewhere in the Word.

So often we make matters worse through panicking or losing calm collective composure. A good soldier for example must keep level head and not freak in the heat of combat. Imagine if a soldier came unglued at the sounds of gun fire and explosions! How would he be able to effectively fight if he could not maintain clarity and think straight. Ah yes true it is though life is full of complicated situations, yet as Jesus said “But by patience possess your souls”

Patience enables us to remain cool, calm and collective in an intense situation that may try us. The soul, the will, mind, and emotions- they must be possessed and governed by patience and the yielding to the Holy Spirit who produces the spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control!

Next time you open your mouth to speak, ask

Does this reflect love?
Does this reflect joy?
Does it promote peace?
Does it exercise patience?
Does it show kindness?
Does this show goodness?
Does it reflect faithfulness?
Does it demonstrate self control?

Boom! When we follow these principles pur words and actions will be led by the Spirit of God not the acts of the flesh or the emotions of the heart! Praise be to the Lord we have this power through Christ!

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